Our Comprehensive Forms 1099 Processing Service Includes the Following:

Electronic Federal Filing
Electronic Federal Filing
Electronic State Filing, if applicable
Electronic State Filing
(If Applicable)
Direct Mailing of Recipient Copies
Direct Mailing of Recipient Copies
PDF Copies Emailed to You
PDF Copies Emailed to You
Smooth Amendment Process
Smooth Amendment Process
Process my forms

Discounted pricing for clients running payroll with Check Plus Services

base fee
per recipient
each additional state

Follow our Three Easy Steps to complete the processing of your Forms 1099

Once completed, expect a confirmation email along with details about available payment options.
For any questions, please email yearend@checkplusservices.com.
Enter complete payer and recipient information on the spreadsheet.
a. Enter company (payer) information in all fields highlighted in blue.

b. Enter recipients' information for all columns highlighted in green.
We need EITHER a first and last name OR a company name for each recipient.

* We highly recommend inserting recipient email information in the column highlighted in orange. This will allow your recipients to retrieve their Forms 1099 online.

c. Enter total amount paid to each recipient in column(s) highlighted in pink.
Upload the spreadsheet using the form below.
Name *
Business Name *
CPS Company Number
Phone *
Email *
Upload Form

To ensure timely filing, please submit all Forms 1099 before January 16th.